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Wellness Vibe Courses

The ultimate guide to a comprehensive learning experience. It leads to consistent self-transformation as you embark on the journey of growing consciously and effortlessly.

Our Key Features

Self Paced Online Courses to sustain lifelong health, wealth & relations.

Practical Methodology

The study provides a holistic understanding of the topic. Focusing on learners' responses, evaluations, and feedback improves the process.

Mystic Flow

The mystic process discovered in a divine manner.

Sound Principles

The fundamentals are sound. In the traditional sense, a universally accepted principle.

Yogic Interpretation

Yogic interpretation is the process of linking yogic values and actions to emotions and interactions.

Scientific Orientation

The methods are considered to be the most popular in the field of science.

Vibrational Tools

Transform Your Life with Vibrational Medicine!

Create healthy change through body, mind, & spirit.

Body, mind, and spirit are all interconnected. When one is out of balance, it can affect others. Creating healthy change in all three areas can lead to a more balanced and happier life.

Making small changes in each area can have a big impact. For example, eating healthier foods and exercising more can improve your physical health. Taking time for yourself to relax and de-stress can improve your mental health.

Meet Me - Nada Yogi Vibhushri

Shri Rivesh Vade, popularly known as Nada Yogi Vibhushri, Founder of Wellness Vibe, is profoundly known for revolutionary transformation by realizing the true self through effortless yet high-impact technology of sound & Frequency.  

Academically Rivesh is an Engineering graduate and has completed Executive Management at IIT Bombay. He has worked with corporates at senior positions in his career. After a near-death accident, he initiated his mystical journey and thus founded Wellness Vibe & BodhMarga Foundation. He is conducting live workshops and retreats around the world to awaken people in their spiritual journey. He is the creator of ‘Wellness Vibe' Courses & Music Tracks, exclusively designed for a holistic lifestyle.

He left his corporate career in 2012 and since that time has been holding workshops and retreats throughout India, the UAE, the UK, and Thailand, awakening humans to their spiritual journey. In this high-impact workshop, he puts 10 years of his enlightening career, spiritual experience, and intuitions with a profound message, "Grow Consciously Effortlessly".

He was recently the Chief Spokesperson of the Culture of Peace – Annual UNESCO Chair Programme On Pasaydaan at MIT World Peace University in 2021.

He is also a Times Group Award Winner
for Sound & Frequency Expert with a background in epigenetics.

Our Online Courses

Arjuna Focus 2.0


Instructor: Vibhushri Rivesh Vade

Rating: ★★★★★

Price : ₹8999/-  4999

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Instructor : Vibhushri Rivesh Vade

Rating : ★★★★★

Price : ₹20999/-  6999

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Instructor: Vibhushri Rivesh Vade

Rating: ★★★★

Price : ₹50,999/- 9,999

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Are You Struggling With Distractions & Cluttered thoughts?

Gain More Focus And Clarity in Your Work, Business, and life with Arjuna Focus 2.0

Our Online Courses are designed to help you improve your life skills with Focus 2.0, health & wellness, and relationships using Sound, Vibration & Yogic teachings.

Our online courses are designed to help you achieve prosperity and success. Our bestseller tracks provide the guidance and support you need to reach your goals.

Navel Activation Course

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Instructor : Vibhushri Rivesh Vade

Rating : ★★★★★

Price : ₹1,51,999/-  18,999

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Relatioship & Harmony Guided Meditation

Instructor: Vibhushri Rivesh Vade

Rating: ★★★★★

Price : ₹2500/- 1599

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Instructor: Vibhushri Rivesh Vade

Rating: ★★★★

Price : ₹2599/- 1599

Buy Now



Immense gratitude to Vibhushri 🙏🏻, your tools from Arjuna Focus 2.0 are working miraculously. Today is the 18th day & things have turned out so smoothly. A habit of discipline is created without any distractions. Being on the navel all the time has become a natural phenomenon. The journey is beautiful. Breathing techniques & guided meditation are Impacting my life. 

Tejal Anandajiwala
Teacher Mumbai

Attending Vibhushri’s workshops in 2020 has transformed my health, family life, and spiritual practice. I am experiencing a constant state of love for those around me. I always craved an experience of life as beautiful as the one I am experiencing every day. My utmost gratitude to Vibhushri.

Pramod Bafna
Businessman, Bangalore

Vibhushri’s gift in the form of his Workshop came to me in 2015 and created a wellspring of peace within me. It brought abundance into my life. Earlier, I would always feel dull and drained of energy. My energy levels have improved by several degrees following the workshop.

Ramandeep Kaur
Yoga Teacher, Guwahati

Learn on the Go

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anywhere with our learning apps.

Our Success Stories

Arjuna Focus changes commissioners' Life 

Conflict to Compassion - Ex-Banker transforms

Work Hours

Mon - Sat ( 10am - 6 pm)

Wellness Vibe®

The Pioneers of Sound Healing and Sound Therapy in India. At Wellness Vibe, we believe that the powers of music and sound when used, therapeutically, help us come out of many illnesses and conflicts.

Rivesh Vade, a “NaadYogi” and Self Realized Master, propounds the Philosophy to be in “Synergy and Flow” with the Universe.

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  +91 808080 8455

  +91 83560 61135


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